How do I send nail clippings for a Distance Scan?

  1. First of all we at SoundWaves Health Clinic will email a form for each patient to print, fill in and sign. Please do not email the form to us; it must accompany the sample package. 
  2. Place 2-4 CLEAN nail clippings (finger or toe) in a small transparent plastic bag; seal tightly, mark bag clearly with name and surname. DO NOT place nails loosely in an ordinary envelope.
  3. Fold the form, enclosing the plastic bag.
  4. Place those in an envelope, also marked with name and surname. Also enclose a clear (digital) colour head & shoulders photo (about the size of a passport photo). This is purely for administrative use.
  5. Place the envelope inside the courier packaging; indicate contents on waybill as “Documents”. Send this to:

  SoundWaves Health Clinic

         Nr 6 Old Cape Mall

         33 Beach Rd 

        Gordon’s Bay 7140

 Terms : Remote Scan (1 hr) + Remote Feedback Consultation (1 hr): R2750-00. Invoice is sent a few days before Scan appointment, for EFT payment.

For more information, contact us on   +27 83 267 9745