The following material is assembled from various sources freely available. It is not intended as a comprehensive study of Anatomy, Biology, Endocrinology or any other medical field.
Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses and Parasites
Facts & Functions
Viruses cannot replicate without a host cell. They infect plants, animals, fungi, bacteria and blue-green algae. One can only see them with an electron microscope.
Bacteria are between 10 to 100x larger than viruses. They can be shaped like a rod (bacillus), a sphere (cocci), a spiral (spirillum) or a comma (vibrio).
Some bacteria live and multiply in the environment, while others are adapted to life within human or animal hosts. Some bacteria can double in number every 15 minutes; others take weeks or months to multiply.
A parasite is any organism that depends upon another organism (the host) for its survival, usually harming the host. A parasite can be a plant, animal, fungus, bacteria or virus. (Some, such as human gut bacteria, are not parasites as they benefit the host.)
Fungus (plural Fungi) includes yeast, rust, grime, mildew, mold and mushrooms. There are also many fungus-like organisms, including slime molds and water molds.
Fungi are among the most widely distributed organisms on earth. Many of them are free-living in soil or water; others form parasitic or interdependent relationships with plants or animals.
At SoundWaves Health Clinic we have the ability to identify these organisms with our sophisticated scanning systems. Not only that: we are able to blast them with the appropriate frequencies…and destroy them! No guesswork or vague terminology i.e. “viral infection” etc.; no broad-based antibiotics hoping to hit the right target; no “vaccinations” needed; no samples taken from your body; no harmful or invasive procedures or medications necessary!