About 5 years ago I heard about Bio-resonance to treat viruses, from a friend of mine who used it to treat Hepatitis. Having suffered with the HPV virus for some years I was having pap smears every six months, Biopsies, Lletz procedures with continued Cin L and Cin 2 results; never mind a host of other ailments which I was just obliviously living with.
When my gynaecologist suggested the best option at my age ( 43 at the time ) was a Hysterectomy, I was at my wits’ and financial end. So I drew a line in the sand and did some research. Turned out the one treatment that could help the Cause and the Symptoms was available to me right here in Gordon’s Bay, my hometown. So I had the good fortune of meeting Charl de Villiers at Sound Waves Heath Clinic. I have never looked back.
Here are some of the things Charl has helped me overcome: * No more HPV virus messing with my system. *Parasites healed from deep in my intestines ( I have travelled to some strange places ). *Thyroid brought under control through diet and stress management. * Weight and bowel system management through dietary change. ( I was a vegetarian for 25 years; l discovered I’m a certified O+ meat eater and have never felt and looked better ) * lntroduction to a Regular liver detoxing for optimal body maintenance. * Breast lumps and Lymphatic System treatments ( regular doctors insisting on mammograms and more etc… ) Charl has the most amazing equipment specially designed for these treatments. * Non -invasive Mammogram and Pap smears are a sideline of every Full Body Scan for women. No stress involved. * Long-distance healing ( I was at a wedding in Australia and had picked up the most awful flu, within hours of Charl was sending sound waves to my DNA using his Distance/Remote method, and soon I was feeling 100% better) * Lymphatic and endocrine system treatment and management. * Hormone imbalance diagnosis and treatment. * Staphylococcus, Epstein Barr Virus, lf I could remember all the names I could add more to this list. Charl’s system is able to diagnose and treat these viruses with frequencies. * Blood cleansing * Pain management ( due to early onset of Osteo and rheumatoid Arthritis ) * Eyes and Neural passageways have been treated at times. * Stress management, self-awareness and emotional healing.
I believe that covers most of the types of treatments I have experienced but I am sure there are those I have forgotten about. Besides his State-of-the-Art SoundWave/ Frequency technology and his deep understanding of it, Charl has a holistic approach to healing that has literally and physically changed my life. To the point where I don’t see him that regularly anymore and when I do, 1 or 2 sessions are all I need. My body has learned how to heal itself faster due to the frequency treatments – and by understanding the Mind/Heart/Body connection I can also assist more in my own healing processes.
From inspiring me to change my eating habits, getting the vibrations in my body in tune, to understanding the role my emotions play in my ailments and my healing processes; Charl and Anne-Marie de Villiers have given me confidence in myself and my quality of life going forward.
Lisa Messina
Gordon’s Bay
We were introduced to the sound wave treatment when my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2006. And knowing what chemo can do to a person, this was an easy decision to make. With a chemistry background in the family the whole idea of this type of treatment, made sense.
A couple of years later, my husband and I had a beautiful little girl Carmen, and as it is with any child that goes to nursery school, they get sick. After 2 separate occasions that we ended up in hospital with Carmen having the Adenovirus, Rhinovirus, and RSV all together, we decided that we wanted Charl to scan her and see what is going on. She also had a cough that just wouldn’t go away and I was in no state to go and sit in the hospital again or keep giving her antibiotics. She was about 18 months old when we sent him a sample of her DNA for the Remote Scan, as it would be easier than getting her to sit still in the therapy room.
After the Remote Scan, it was clear that there was a bacteria in her lungs that kept on flaring up every now and again, plus some other minor things. Charl did the treatment and gone was the cough and no more medicines.
A month before her 2nd birthday (2019) we were on holiday in Knysna, and as luck would have it, Carmen got sick on the first morning into our holiday. I instinctively knew by the smell of her nappy what was waiting for us – another couple of nights in the hospital, and again antibiotics and pain meds (which I couldn’t do again after the last trip to hospital where she received the strongest antibiotics on the market). She had a fever and couldn’t keep anything down. So, I sent a message to Anne-Marie and Charl, giving them the symptoms and asking them to check.
And within 1 hour they confirmed my suspicions and with some more info – she had tonsillitis. Charl began the Remote Treatment around 09h00 and by 16h00 that same afternoon Carmen was almost back to her normal self – eating, drinking and laughing. By the following morning her fever broke and we could carry on with our holiday!
We believe in the sound wave treatment, and we will recommend it to anyone, no matter their age! Our daughter is proof that it does work! No more hospitals for us!
Natalie Kühne
Around October 2017 I started to feel like I was on deaths door and I had no hope. I had already been diagnosed with so many conditions from Auto immune disease, Cushings Disease and 2 types of arthritis as well as Fibromyalgia and the list just carries on had a total of 10 conditions. Was on small dosage of chemo every week to keep immune system down as well as so many other drugs. Luckily or unluckily no opioids as was allergic to it but was living in pain throughout my body 24/7. I had had this for 18 years or so by the end of 2017.I had lost complete hope as the medical doctors had basically given up on me as had no idea where to go from here. I was just living but had no life as couldn’t really do anything. My gran came across the ad for Charl in a newspaper and told me about it. I was very skeptical but was told I had tried everything else including homeopathic medicine etc and nothing else had helped me so I might as well give this a go. I had nothing to loose. Went to Charl march 2018 and haven’t looked back. Its a slow process for me but I am off most of my medication, I am able to do more and definitely don’t feel like I am dying which I was which Charl later confirmed when I spoke about how I was feeling in the beginning.. My body is just getting better and better and I am over the moon with the results so far and though it will take me time to get to 100% I now have so much more hope.
A Grateful Patient
Ek het van frekwensieterapie gehoor by ʼn vriendin van my nadat ek gekla het dat ek moeg is vir al die medisyne wat ek moet drink vir “hives” . Dit was so erg dat my hele gesig en nek daarvan opgeswel het. Die dokter het my op kortisone geplaas en dit het presies 7 weke gewer, en toe van vooraf weer vlamgevat. Die kortisone het my gewig aangetas en ek was depressief.
Na my eerste toetsing en behandeling het ek al klaar beter begin voel. Ek het besluit om nie weer die kortisone te gebruik nie, maar die pompie sou ek nog byderhand hou, indien ek dit dalk nodig kry. Na 4 behandelings het die “hives” al hoe minder geword, dit kom net baie lig voor as ek onder baie spanning is. Tot my verbasing was die oorsaak hiervan my hipotalamus wat nie reg gewerk het nie.
I have been with Charl from SoundWaves Health Clinic for more than 3 years. Initially i went for treatment of arthritis. Then in October 2015 he discovered 3 malignent spots on my pancreas. Following his advice on what and how to adjust my diet, which I diligently followed, by February 2016 I was clean and clear.
Again in October 2016 he spotted a very small cancerous tumour in my tummy. By January 2017 it was clean and clear. I can only Praise the Lord who has given Charl the wisdom to use the machines to see before a doctor can see. I can and will recommend him to anyone. He can help any cancer but you need to cooperate with him.
Antoinette Schoeman
Gordon's Bay
Ek het die afgelope jare geweldige brand en jeuk pyne in my onderlyf gehad. Ek was by ‘n hele paar dokters maar later is ek na ʼn ginekoloog. Na weke se behandeling het sy gesê ek sal waarskynlik ʼn operasie moet hê, maar sy kon nie sê of dit suksesvol sou wees nie.
Een van my vriendinne vra my eendag of ek al vir Frekwensie Terapie gegaan het Ek het niks daarvan geweet nie, maar het die volgende dag ʼn afspraak gemaak SoundWaves Health Clinic vir toetsing.
Wat my die meeste beïndruk het was dat Charl die terapeut my glad nie fisies ondersoek het nie! Daar was 3 toetse op my gedoen. Ek was op die masjiene gekoppel en dit was dit. Hy het my verseker dat hy die probleem sou opspoor en sou my die volgende dag kontak sodat ons met die behandeling kon begin.
Ek was daar vir 5 behandelings en al my probleme is iets van die verlede. Na jare se gebrand en gesukkel is ek steeds sonder enige ongerief!
A few years ago I was treated with chemotherapy and radiation, been diagnosed with tongue cancer. Well anyone who has gone through this terrible experience will know how horrific this kind of treatment can be, with a few survivors to tell the tale.
It’s wonderful to know you can go for a non-invasive check-up from Charl at SoundWaves Health Clinic in Gordon’s Bay. He not only treats the origin of the disease, but offers advice on lifestyle changes and diet. Relax in this colourful studio while being treated using the most advanced equipment in South Africa.
Love these two people!
Karen Rose Louw
Gordon's Bay
Ek is tot vandag toe uiters dankbaar dat ek klankterapie ontdek het. Ek het ‘n plek byna so groot soos ‘n skuifspeld op my been gehad wat as velkanker gediagnoseer is. Na elke klankgolfbehandeling het dit gekrimp totdat dit na 4 weeklikse behandelings totaal genees is en verdwyn het. Ook is ‘n ander velkankerkolletjie op my gesig deur die klankgolfterapie volkome genees. En dit sonder die pyn van enige snykunde of medikasie, of astronomiese onkostes! In 2017het ek akute gordelroos gehad wat gewoonlik baie lank neem om te genees. Dit was uiters pynlik.Tog het die pyn na Charl se klankterapie byna onmiddellik bedaar en die gordelroos het binne 2 weke opgeklaar.
Boonop is die behandeling nog ‘n heerlike ervaring ook. Alhoewel Charl uiters professioneel in sy behandeling is, is hy vriendelik en geduldig en stel hy opreg belang in ‘n mens se klagtes, terwyl die pasiënt heerlik in ‘n uitskopstoel ontspan.
Dear Charl & Anne-Marie,
You have now given me back my ability to hear normal levels of sound, for which I am eternally grateful.
Your application of Sound Wave technology has worked, when tradition medicine has no remedy. I have for eight years relied on hearing aids, which as from today, are no longer necessary. My hearing has been totally restored to normal,after only three one hour applications of this incredible technology.
I am from being skeptical, totally convinced, that enormous benefits can be achieved using sound waves
I will ensure that my result is well published and offer you the opportunity to use my comments in any form necessary.
Thankfully yours
Ian Lavender
Aanvanklik , toe ‘n vriendin ons in 2014 vertel het van klankgolfterapie, was ek bitter skepties en het ek niks daarvan geglo nie. Tog het ek eendag die kans gevat en hom besoek – en dit was die eerste van nou al vele besoeke! Ons hardloop nou na Charl met alle pyne, kwale en skete! Sonder dat ek vir hom my probleme uitgespel het, het sy masjien dit korrek gediagnoseer.
So het hy gewaarsku dat ek ‘n probleem met diabetes het en glukosetoetse moes laat doen. Toetse het toe wel bewys dat hy “spot on” was. Ek het op ‘n stadium konsentrasieprobleme ondervind – wat hy ook met sy klankgolfbehandelings herstel het. Ongelooflik! ‘n Tyd gelede het ek erge Vertigo gehad. Gewone medikasie het geensins gehelp nie en ook dit het hy na ‘n paar behandelings genees. Ek is hom en die terapie dus baie dank verskuldig. Ek kan regtig nie dink wat ons sonder hom sal doen nie!
Charl se grootste “fan”
We have known Charl and Anne-Marie for about 3 years and experienced their Soundwaves therapy/treatment to be extremely accurate and effective in diagnosis and treatment of ailments and sickness. Charl is continuously researching and improving his knowledge and ability to use the equipment he has together with his and Anne-Marie’s faith to activate healing in many people.
We can personally testify to the ridding of prostate cancer and the instant healing from a debilitating heart infection diagnosed and cured in a single session, together with several other healing breakthroughs. Soundwaves Therapy is extremely powerful in one’s overall wellness, especially when combined with faith and belief. Bonnie and David Price
Bless you guys!
Bonnie and Dave Price
Somerset West